Saturday, December 19, 2009

My flowers are blooming but eventually it'll shrivel up.

"If there is a tomorrow when we're not together...
there is always something you must always remember.
You are braver than you belive, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you."
---Winnie the Pooh
Recently I watched Mary and Max. The whole story made me think all of my pen pals and how we write back and forth. I wonder if they still keep all of my letters? Where do they store them? Do they treasure my gifts if I give them for their birthday or christmas? Do they want to actually see me and judge me in person than rewad what I wrote to them? Why on earth did they choose me to be their pen pal? Why do they like Australia (or do they want to choose a country out of random)? This made me also think about one American person, asked me if I rode a Kangaroo and/or have a pet kangaroo, I said "No, the sky is green."
I have talked to my oldest sister about my Christmasd present (I need to think something creative for my family's presents, it's only five days left). She asked what did I want, I said books, then I said, "Why don't you think something creative?". My sister replied, "What is your favourite colour?", my answer: "Blue, purple and black (yes I know, Black is a shade and not a colour, I perfectly knew that as an Art student myself)." My is going to be really creative and get me a Christmas present involving those two colours & the shade. I want to know what I'm getting for Christmas! Is anyone feel like a child, and child at heart, that wakes up before 7am on Christmas to open their presents? I did that once, sadly it was like 5am and my sister eventually heard me, half asleep, told me it was the 24th and not 25th of December. That broke my heart, a day early and didn't get sleep much that morning. Sad, isn't it?
The weather here is so messed up! Two days ago, it was raining and all miserable, yesterday it was hot (yes, summer hotness) and now today was miserable and cold! Is it me or is God, or what's up there, decided to torcher us because of me having a blog? T.T This is why I dislike it being all Winter-like (I love Winter just not Winter in Summer). It reminds me of Hockey, how those cold Winter, Saturday mornings getting up on those ridiculous hours of the morning (like 3 or 4am to catch a 5 or 6am bus) or play games at home, where you wear those ridiculous short skirts in front of the Rugby guys. T.T Wind + Hockey Skirt = bad sight.
Signing off

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