"Life is just a walking shadow
- a tale told by an idiot,
full of sound and fury,
signifying nothing.
----Public Speaking topic (2009)
Hello 2010. Australia, New Zeland, Asia and those countries like that have welcomed the new year. All we need now is Africa, America and all those countries to welcome the new year. I must say, THEY ARE SO LAST YEAR (literatly, as far as I know). I always tell my friends who are overseas, and have a massive differnt time zone than me, that if I don't come on tomorrow, the world is going to explode then. Because once you think about it, all those countries (like Australia) will know if the world is going to explode or massive giant, purple, people eaters will destroy the human race and the people who have not experience tomorrow will have to prepare as much as they can to defend themselves against the giant, purple, people eaters.
This year, 2010 is the year of the Tiger (Chinese Zodiac) and the year of Biodiversity. For the people, who say, "What the muffin cakes is biodiversity?", the dictionary tells us that biodiversity means, "diversity among and within plant and animal species in an enviroment." I guess we are animal species too, cause of our distant relatives, the apes, I think. Haha, this shows you, how good I am paying attention during Science last year. Last year seemed so long ago, except it was 10 hours ago or so. I feel bad because I miss year nine, how it is (i must say) the bitchinessy (I know it isn't a word) year, ever, in my three years of High School. I hope year ten isn't the same as year nine when it comes girls cat fighting against girls, and the year sevens won't be complete prositutes, like the last year's year 7s.
As I remember 2009, as the year it was, here is the list of things that stood out for me personality, and not my hopelessly, top four memories on the news on YouTube:
1. The Japan Tour in October - I remember all the good times on that tour and how I just remember how different Japan is with Australia, not just technology wise, but the food and the culture and all that jazz. I missed Australia. When I came back from my 8 or 9 hour flight from Seoul, South Korea, I was so happy to see the Western toilet. It took me five minutes to figure out where was the flush button on Japanese toilets (it was THAT confusing - they had buttons for music, washing your behind, and everything else - except for the flush).
2. My electives this year - I know, how strange that I chose subjects as a memory of 2009. But the thing is, I gotten sort of close to my Art class and Japanese class. Not just because it was a small class size (my Art class was 13 people and my Japanese, five people), it's that we had so many in-jokes and I have good memories from those classes, I just love my teachers for those subjects because they just taught me well, unlike the other classes, which have a bigger size.
3. Wind of the Willows - Yeah, my last Junior (years 7 - 9) play ever. I remember just crying after the last show because of the whole last show thing and my last junior play ever. I hugged my friends who said that they would love me to be backstage. I told them, I would see every single night of their play next year, even if it means, spending $50 after the final show.
4. When I got into the A team for Hockey - I know it wasn't a biggie as the last three. But after two years being on the B team, I finally got into the A team for the Juniors (I think that you thought that I was in the First XI for a second). It was such a good season! Even though we narrowly lost to CCGS, 3-0, it was such a great season.
5. Managing to see Half Blood Prince on opening day, managing finding a non-soldout time and going to a cinema with half the population of the room filled (by myself) - that was a great day, the memory is self explanitory. I find it awesome how the guy who pushed the trolley was dressed AS A WIZARD! I brought my bag with the trio on it (the other side of the bag said "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince").
Have a great year in 2010 everyone. May it be as awesome-er than 2009. Just be yourselves, never forget where you came from, and just spread the love (haha, now I sound like a hippie).