Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What is the Right thing to do?

My Extended Response to "What is the Right ting to do?" asked by Socrates:

What is the right thing to do? asked by the Philosopher Socrates asks us the question what is right and what is wrong.
What is the right thing to do if you are forced to kill one of your family members or kill four innocent people that you never met? What is the right thing to do if you had a choice to kill your family or you have to be killed?
My opinion to these following questions that relates to Philosopher Socrates question What is right? depends on one or the other side of these questions. What is the right thing to do if you are forced to kill one of your family members or kill four innocent people that you never met? depends if you see it that you can keep your family member or you kill your family member and keep alive four innocent people that can be useful more in society than just one person. What is the right thing to do if you had a choice to kill your family or you have to be killed? depends on if you want your family to live, and do things to help the society or kill your family and you can live on while you weep for the loss of your family. You have to see both sides and both sides could be the right thing to do.
Other philosophers like Plato (one of Socrates students) linked good with just is related to the person who is pure. Therefore good/just is emotional part of the state, when a normal man wants to be good as possible, he has to be purified. Plato also said that for being good in the material world is beyond this material world: for the best we can do is only a striving towards the perfect goodness that exists in the changeless, eternal world of the forms that lies beyond our material existence. (Quoted from Plutos book Republic). In the Republic, Plato broadens on good and just on the questions asked by Socrates to his friends (What is a good ruler?, What is justice?, and What constitutes a just state?).
So what is good or what is right depends on which side that you look at. Nothing is the right or the wrong thing to do.

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