Friday, November 13, 2009

Procastination on NaNoWriMo isn't gopod for your NaNoWriMo Health

As I was thinking after my 25k or so words that I have to catch up to NaNoWriMo standards, I was thinking about "What is a good NaNoWriMo writer?" "How can a perfect NaNoWriMo writer can juggle reality with the 50k words set in a month?" "Does the writer even have a real life outside the 50k word boarder?" "Where does this perfect NaNoWriMo writer live?". I have thought and have come out of the conclusion, a few ridiculous answers.

1. The perfect writer doesn't have any social life in November.
Conclusion: The perfect NaNoWriMo writer, somewhere in the world, has a hybernation in the month of November, so he/she can write 50k in a month, WITH THEIR EYES CLOSED!

2. The perfect writer has two brains, one of the north hemisphere and one in the south.
Conclusion: The perfect NaNoWriMo writer could be like the English Empire, "The sun never sets in the English Empire". (Note to self: Disaproves that Australia is still apart of the English Empire, in a way)

3. The perfect writer is just typing "DoomAngelKitty is awesome" over and over again.
Conclusion: The writer could be cheating and writing rubbish (or perfectly good answer of "DoomAngelKitty is awesome") over and over again to make to the 50k word mark. Therefore, this writer is not perfect but a lying, cheating Son of a Banshee (see Wizard Swears).

4. The perfect writer has drank cofee/tea/Coke/V/Red Bull or some energy drink to write continuesly until she/he finished 50k words.
Conclusion: It's the scientific fact that your energy drink can motivate you.

5. The writer has no procastionation in their system.
Conclusion: Therefore the writer has no Facebook, Bebo, YouTube, Myspace in their systems.

5 good answers to my questions. Are you, the NaNo writer are any of these 5 answers? Or all five? I'm sure, I am never the 5 (unless it calls in desperate measures). I mean seriously, why would in 16 days, I have to cheat? I would admit deafeat gracefully and try again next year. No procastionation, no nothing.


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