Friday, November 27, 2009

No Chance what so ever

They made a statue of us
And it put it on a mountain top
Now tourists come and stare at us
Blow bubbles with their gum
Take photographs have fun, have fun
---- "Us" by Regina Spektor

Yes, my phycic ability of telling my NaNoWriMo future is that, I will not win. What so ever. Period. No matter what everyone says, I am not going to win. This is my worst NaNoWriMo, ever. Last time I had roughly 13k. Now at 4k and two days left with my play (my play starts Tuesday night and we are not ready, well, not quite anyway).

Well, I think I am going to put my NaNoWriMo novel in the "bin of maybe-but-not-quite-finishing-in-the-near-future". Has anyone done that before? Like went back to your NaNoWriMo a few years back then finished it? Or done their novel... again... in NaNoWriMo the very next year? Does anyone have any advice for NaNo-wannabies?

With the play that I've (I think) I talk in my past blogs, well we only got our costumes today. The sets aren't quite (as far as I see as an actress/actor) ready. People know either very little lines, 50% or at the least 75% of their lines. For me, I know 75% of my lines. T.T Yeah, I've been procrastinating too much, NaNoWriMo procrastination/worrying, or my work load. This is not going to be a "walk in Hogwarts grounds", is it?


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