Saturday, November 21, 2009

Welcome to my Life

Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place?
Like somehow you just don't belong
And no one understands you
Do you ever wanna run away?
Do you lock yourself in your room?
With the radio on turned up so loud
That no one hears you screaming
-"Welcome to My Life" by Simple Plan

Welcome to my life of NaNoWriMo, worrying about bushfires and school. The bush fire season has already started and my state has the worst bushfires seen in 100 years. About roughly 80 or so bushfires, some in towns generally sort of close (life 5-10 towns away) from where I live. Mum was worried so she pretty much got the photos in boxes, so we can call a taxi (because she had her operation on her akeles attendant or however you spell it and we don't own a car) and get out of here. I don't want to loose my home of 14 years (we moved in my house when I was 9 months old) because there is loverly memories and 14 years of belongings. This is why I dislike Australia, really hot and have so many bushfires or flood, I lost count. T.T

NaNoWriMo 2009 is nearly over for Australia, 8 more days. I have 4,380 words, so my daily count is 5,702 words per day. Wow, this will be interesting for me to finish. Previously I had 13,000 words last year (it was my first year), now I'm tempted on finishing it. I'm currently doing Word Wars, next year hopefully I can mentor a new NaNo-er. Good job isn't it? Mentoring someone could affect in a small way. But still, you have a good feeling inside.

I still have to do:
  1. My forgotten PDH homework.
  2. NaNoWriMo - 5,702 words
  3. Memorise my words for the play.
  4. Japanese Study for a quiz tomorrow.
  5. Still, Japanese study for assessment task on Friday.
  6. Maths assessment.
6 things to do in 6 days. T.T -imatates cave people- "Me no likey". Haha, I got to say, I should pace myself and get some energy drink to keep me awake. I don't like those energy drinks like V or Red Bull, maybe when I do my HSC and start studying my pants off. I am not able to fully appreciate Tea or Coffee (after nearly two weeks in Japan, I am not a big fan of Green Tea).

Reading: New Moon (Stephanie Meyer), Loving Richard Feynman (Penny Tangey) and Heaven's net is Wide (Lian Hearn)
Watching: News
Word Count: 4,380
Daily "Left": 5,702
Overall "Left": 45,620

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