Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Photoshoot problem

Story in the nutshell:

"The photo shoot didn't happen. After catching a bus to Blacktown, the getting a train to Central then catching another train with my sister to Town all, all the talked was "Join our academy!" for an hour or so. One of their courses was $849! Which is pretty much worth two iPhones."

Pretty much that nutshell covers it all. After pretty much a 2hr 15-30 minute travel to get there, they wasted my sister's time and mine. They lied to my mum and me on the phone. That was hardly a prize and they specifically said I was going to get a photo shoot. I knew there was something strange.

a) The room wasn't set up much, like no make up stands or hair stands anywhere, just rows of chairs.
b) The room was hot and there were itineraries everywhere.

I wasn't sure if the other girls got told it was a fashion shoot but I was really upset that they lied to me and mum. My sister rang mum and told the whole story about it. Mum rang the people who booked us in saying it wasn't a prize, they were against the Department of Fair Trading (they were misleading us to believe something then do something else) and I should get a prize from them because I traveled a long way!

Oh well, I hope they learn their lesson.

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