Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 13 - a picture of you last year and now; how you’ve changed since then

Me at last year's Athletics Carnival at school.
Me at this year's Swimming Carnival
How I changed? Not much, I think I am caring a bit more since it's the Year 10 Certificate year and I want to do decently well. Caring about my studies more like it. xD I think I slightly more mature than last year and I am learning about myself, my limits and my own definition of myself. I think the definition of what I thought of me last year was different to what I define myself at the end of the year.

I have to be more mature cause I am "legal" (like drinking with adult supervision, can move out, drive and have sex) and I have to make my own decisions. I only get to be 16 once and I am not in a rush to do half those things (except driving, I want to drive and get my P1 license but I don't want to crash).

So in the end, I matured and wised up over a year.

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