Friday, February 12, 2010

English Writing

In English recently, we have ten minutes to write about one topic. In class we have written about "Death Solves all problems. No man, no problem", Rain, Passion, Lollies, and if Education is used for evil (along those lines). I am about to write some of my stories with you, as my own and not as someone else's.

Death Solves All Problems. No man, no problem.

'I looked at the grave. The gravestone seem so cold, bare, souless. It reminded me of my dad's funeral. The cold, lifeless body in the cold, heartless, lifeless, ground with no expression.

I wondered to myself, "Is there a life after death, where there is no problems, no man there. Just souls maimed in an artificial world." I just pondered a while, I looked at the gravestone in much wonder.

Graeme E. Sim-----

The man's last name was unreadable. The gravestone has spoken to me in words not to be spoken to me, just read. I wondered if dad was beside me in the artificial world, just thinking that he could be there for me and not traped in the world where nothing could go wrong and it isn't real.

I looked up, the sky was crying with rain. It could represent my world, souless, lifeless, where everything is so cold and nothing could be happy ever again. I sighed, and walked away with the thought in the souless, lifeless and unhappy world.

Is there a such thing called happiness? Why can't it be inside me already? Why can't I die already?'

Please tell me about your thoughts about this. Like? Dislike?

Signing off,

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