Saturday, February 13, 2010

English Writing #4


The rain was wet on my face. I had to walk in the cold, icy, wet rain to the bus shelter from class. It was miserable like my Geography lessons I had in previous days. The grass was turned into an Olympic size swimming pool. The bus shelter turned into a lake (quite literaly). I was bound to be a wet private school student with the smell of wet dog.

The bus, apart from the extra 30 minutes wait was an extra 20 minutes late. So all that time on Facebook after getting home from the bus, wasted by waiting for the bus, because of the stupid wet, cold, icy rain. Why can't rain just go away, out of my sight? But then again, I hate the stinky, hot, dry weather I get un the summer.

I dried off on the bus. I couldn't believe I was out of the wet and cold rain. The windows were fogged, like from the characters do in the books I read. Why was it so gloomy? Why was the rain make all hapiness disappear? It was reminding me about my soul and how there was no happiness in there left.

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