Friday, January 22, 2010


You have my heart,
And we'll never be worlds apart
Maybe in magazines
But you'll still be my star

---"Umbrella" by Rihanna

Splurgh to you to. Splurgh or splurdge is my new word. Not spiffy or uber or epic or even cheesemonkies (for me in year four, I created this make believe animal called cheesemonkies, which were monkies made out of cheese. I never did particular like cheese then or now). Which for me, marks a new "chapter" in my word vocabulary. But, does anyone remember making up words as a child? Kind of like what Sunny Bauldlaire does in the Series of Unfortunate Events (but her words mean a sentence not just one crazy make believe word that isn't in the Oxford or Urban dictionary).

When I look back as a child through my words or my actions. I had two sides (kind of like split personalities). Outside of the classroom but still in the school grounds, I was a very loud person. I didn't really care if I was even louder than some of the guys in the playground or by my over the top personalities, not been truely liked all that much. Then on the car or bus ride home, I'm all quiet. Not saying much to my friends on the bus. Which I am truely regretting now because I'm moving houses, away (most likely) from my bus route.

Apart from the "spurdge", I look at my childhood as possibly, I guess (in a way), eventful or at least "not right in a normal sense". I think one day (or possibly sometime in 2011) to publish my autobiography. I think my story needs to be told. In a way, I guess everywhere, someone's story needs to be told somehow. I think a lot of people need to read them and know how tough some people have.

Signing off,

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