Sunday, January 17, 2010

Long Blog #4

"There is neither happiness nor
misery in the world; there is only the comparison
of one state to another, nothing more. He who has
felt the deepest grief is best able to experience
supreme happiness. We must have felt what it is to
die, that we may appreciate the enjoyments of life.
--Alexandre Dumas

Recently I have watched a movie called Bandslam. It's pretty much the adventure (well, that's really bad phrasing but you get my drift after finishing this paragraph) of a band and it's glory of going to this competition to get some record deal in this competition at school. after coming second place, their performance was recorded, uploaded onto YouTube and eventually they got a record deal. The movie was good, I wouldn't say spectacular or anything like that nor extremely bad. I quite liked it, the fact that I want to get my band, Lola and the Rawr off the ground, the movie sort of inspired me to do that in a way. Kind of like me seeing Julie & Julia, it made me be inspired to actually do something.

I also recently watched It's Complicated. I absoultely dislike the whole plan and thing. It's just for people who are romance-obsessed over the limits. I am already confronted by the whole sexual thing through many lessons about it in PDH (Physical Development & Heath) and reproduction in Science. It's the fact that over doing it in this movie, kind of, well, freaked me out to the maximum. Meryl Streep was a good actress in this film, no doubt about that. In the end, it was a good movie, but I just disliked it with the over the top sexual themes, if you get my drift.

A Series of Unfortunate Events, well, what can I say about that? I read the first book in year four with my class. The class teacher was reading it to us, while the spare copies were given around to a few people in the class. I never bothered, after 2004, to read them. That is till the last few days of 2009 I picked up the second book (I still remember the first book, well in my mind) and started reading it. Now, up to book nine, I am re-loving the series again. It's 13 books long, pretty much 13 chapters inside (correct me if I'm wrong) and it's about the tales of three children and their misfortunes of escaping clutches of the villian, Count Olaf (who, each book, hides in disgisuses), who wants their fortune. It brang me back to my primary school years of reading the book. Does anyone enjoy the books like I do?

I am officially missing the Japan's rail systems. I missed the fact that trains come ever 2 minutes or so. CityRail (one of Australia's rail networks) is annoying the hell out of me. Whenever I go on the train (I think about everyone feels the same), it smells like number ones. It disgusts me like hell. There is a train pretty much every hour here and it annoys the heck out of me. They change the time table (I don't catch the train but), so my school has to pretty much catch the train in a hurry because of that. It's like 500m or more to the station from school and I think it's a pain because there is a train in an hour's time if you missed it. It is so annoying. If I catch the train to home, it's about 30 minutes (same amount of time if I wait for my bus) and it is a 6 minute or so train trip then a 30min or so walk to my house. If I catch the bus, it's 30min waiting, 40min trip and 5 min walk or so. The Japan Rail System, is crowded but still, it's sufficient and I love it. Even if it is crowed and you literally have to rush and get a seat if there is an oppertuneaty open for it.

Signing off,

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