Friday, December 5, 2008

First day of holidays

I have nearly finished my first day of holidays.
I have finished year eight and finished the most worst year of my life at school.
I hope that 2009 bring me better things (I am going on the Japanese Tour).
My ex has a better looking girlfriend nd he is ignoring the questions I ask about his girlfriend. Strange that?

Sunday, November 23, 2008


'A Lost Mind of a Teenage Girl'
Current Words: 13, 467
How many words left till 50,000: 36, 533 words left
Daily words left: 6,088

NaNoWriMo is really hard now. I am falling behind but I am slowly catching up. I am determined to reach the finish line no matter what is happening (play starts this Thursday, school finishing and homework). Even though I have been told that I have to be out of school (even though the min. age is thirteen) I decided to just keep chugging along.

NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month which people have to write a novel between 1st to 30th November, which is 50,000 words (1,667 words a day average). I am doing a Young Adult book which is 15+ (age appropiate).

Wish me luck!